Friday, May 05, 2006


I was excited to get May started off right, but so far it has been nothing but misery. I can't tell if I just plain suck or if I am just the unluckiest son of a bitch playing online poker. I lost $300 yesterday in a cash game when somebody's draw hit on the river. I bought in for another $300 and got a free flop from the big blind with 63 and caught a 643 flop. I got all the money in against a guy who was representing an overpair. He showed 99 and I just knew what was coming, and there it was on the turn, a four. So I lost $600 yesterday. Today, I bought in for $400 and had it up to $500 when I lost it all on a 552 flop. I had AA and I made the preflop raise, but was called by a speculator with 53 offsuit. I don't know how much he loses with that hand while waiting to flop trips against aces, but he made $500 this time.


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