Monday, April 26, 2004


I hold 89h:

The Flop Kh Tx 6h: I call a $2 bet with a gut shot and a flush draw - 3 Callers

The Turn was a 7 for my gut shot nut straight: I checked - The guy behind me bet $2, one caller and I bet the pot limit. One guy stayed to play.

The River was another heart. Hummmm I do have a flush, but I would have rather had the nut straight. What did that guy call that big bet with? Two Hearts?

Yes, the SOB played Jh2h and beat the tar out of me on the river.

With two draws maybe I should have bet the pot on the flop. That may or may not have gotten him to fold. As it stood, he had all of his money in the pot by the end anyway. I should have put him to the decision earlier to maybe save my feathers.


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