Thursday, October 13, 2005


I've made a slight adjustment in my game lately that is paying dividends. I used to know what to do in certain situations, but now I am actually doing it. I'm cashing more than ever. Yesterday, I had a relapse where I got a ton of chips then bled them off like an idiot, getting huge with weak aces and such. Today, I played a $50 multi, and even though I got low on chips early, I battled back and made the final table. The trick is not to get bored and reckless once I have some chips. I just waited for good spots to get my money in, like AQ vs the small stack, high pairs, or AK. The money comes in bunches and pays for all the rounds of donating antes. I wound up doing battle with tens and ran into queens. Crippled, I made a stand with 77 but was facing jacks. I finished 7th for $330.


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