Last year, I wrote a bit about setting my goals too low. Yesterday was as clear an instance as I could possibly imagine. February was a good month for me, but March 1st was horrible. I lost $455.50 playing NLHE and I duffed out of a couple of tournaments.
So, yesterday, March 2nd, I vowed to win my money back in NLHE and make the payout in the $100 rebuy at PokerStars, which paid 18 spots. When the tourney began, I quit the cash game. I was up $455.50 at the time. I went on to finish 18th in the tournament.
So, I must count the day a success, since I reached both goals, but I was left wondering what if I had determined to make the final table in that tournament, or maybe even win it. I was actually in 3rd place when we hit the money, but three hands later, I was out. I didn't completely duff off my money. I took A8 against 88, and busted with AJ v AK, both short-handed. Yet, I could have gotten away from both hands, and if my goal was winning rather than simply making the payout, then maybe I lay those hands down.
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