Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I believe myself to be a better casino player than online player, but the online game offers so many benefits and one of the most important benefits is being able to change sites when your luck starts turning. Generally, you can over-ride any bad luck streak with good play, but I have noticed a constant these last two years that there are streaks at certain sites and sometimes you just have to go away.

I'll go a month without having any serious downturns. A bad beat here or there, but not so much that I don't recover. I went something like 3 1/2 weeks once without once busting out of the ring game. Then I busted out three times in one night. This past week, the bad beats started coming in clumps and I laughed as I could almost predict them. On one particular night I lost AAvKQ and to AAvJT. The first time he simply called my preflop raise and flopped two pair. The second time, a guy kept calling my bets and drew a straight despite the wrong odds. My set of 6s also went down to a set of Qs. I could name some other crazy hands and I am actually happy that a lot of the beats came from guys who shouldn't have stayed in the hand, but they are a streak nonetheless. What's great is that the streak always disappears when I move to another site. I just have to convince myself to move, because I'm sometimes too stubborn and think I can work through it.

Since I tend to keep very little money at any particular site, I would in the old days not change sites until I busted out and needed to re-buy. Now I leave earlier and I'm always surprised when I return to a site and still have money there. It's decreased my re-buys by a factor of 5.


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