I made the drive Friday night. It took longer than it would have if I had waiting for Saturday morning, but I wanted to start Saturday fresh and hopefully play in a nice tournament. Tom and I wound up playing at the Mirage in a $1/2 NL game from 1P until 130A (him) and 3A (me). I bought in for $200, lost it on a bad river beat with three of us all-in. I was in the lead with two pair against aces and a monster draw. The draw found his gutshot straight after all the money went in.
I bought in for another $200 and lost it when I ran into aces, who began as the fourth limper. I had tens and raised it up after four limps and found one caller. I kept betting and he kept check/calling, and I happily shoved the rest of it in on the river with two baby pairs on board, only for him to passively call with aces to take me down $400.
I bought back in for $200 more and this time, I slowly built it back up. At one point I was $200 up on the day, but when I finally called it a night, I had lost $175. Tom had worse luck than me and lost $600. I didn't really like the game. I played too many pots and called far too many raises just because of the low stakes. I hope I didn't "ruin my swing" for the rest of the week. I wanted to sit next to Tom all day, which was the real goal. If I go back to the cash game, I think I'll get into the $2/5 NL game instead.
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